Visit to UofT w/ Nogah

The University of Toronto invited us for a workshop with Nogah Kornberg. Nogah would improve our process of integrative thinking.

Nogah had a great idea by answering any questions so we get comfortable. With that thought in mind, Joshua asked, "Who is your celebrity crush?" There were a lot of giggles and the atmosphere went from serious to foolish. It definitely helped our group connecting with Nogah.
After the questions, Nogah gave us an activity. Create ideas to support student well-being at John Polanyi, write it down on a sticky note and stick it on a chart paper. She explained how no idea is a bad idea. If you have an idea, then write it down and explain to your team about your thinking. With all of the ideas, we came up with, we split them into 3 groups. Seen before (Top right), could be fun (bottom) and out of this world (Top left). We amazing ideas such as mandatory therapy/counseling, creating a system where you have friends in all of your classes and more.
Our next activity is related to our first activity. We drew a big hashtag on a new chart paper and pick eight of our favorite ideas. Once we picked our top eight, without drawing in the middle box, we drew a picture of what the idea looks like around the middle box. Two pictures each. As you can see the picture below, everyone drew on a sticky note except one person, *coughs* "Joshua".

From the field trip to UofT, we now understand integrative thinking is much more complicated than creating pro-pro charts. We found one of Nogah's speech really interesting. She said we will do better than adults because they think they need a correct answer. As a team, we will have many ideas that pop up. There are some people that would previously shut out others ideas,*coughs* "Malachai". This workshop taught us, we should hear out everyone's thoughts and expand the idea. To get an exceptional solution, we cannot work around one person's thoughts. As a team, we need to pitch ideas together and develop that insight.


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