Interview With Jamison Steeve

Jamison wearing the maroon dress shirt, Nogah on his left.

An addition to our trip to UofT, we were given an opportunity to interview Jamison Steeve. Mr. Essabhai and his previous classes have been going to UofT for interviews with other people. He would ask for someone who has an interesting and outstanding career. The purpose of the interview is for us to have guidance or a role model in life. Especially in terms of leadership and career choices. Hopefully, by doing the interview, we acquire a lesson that we can use in our own life. The best candidate is Jamison Steeve.

The day before we interviewed Jamison, we were told to email Mr. Essabhai some questions. After, he gave every group a printed out sheet with questions. It was funny to see more than half of the questions Mr. Essabhai printed out, were created by Joshua and Christine. Most of the questions were answered even before it was asked.

Jamison had an amazing quote that stood out to us, "Every job has a tax, it is just a matter of what you are willing to pay". With this regard, in every career decision that we will make, we should not be scared to change. Yes, there is going to be a tax when you make that choice to change. Often, great things are just behind that wall of fear. We should ask ourselves, "Are we still willing to pay the tax in our current job?"

When Jamison was a lawyer, he explained how they get paid every six minutes. You could spend two hours with a client, lose, and still get paid good money. You could also spend 30 minutes with a client, win, but not get as much money. It did not make a lot of sense to him. He believes that he should not get paid for time but results. It is an example of quality over quantity. For the future, we should value the effort we put in than the amount of time.


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