Meeting Taddy Blecher

Mr. Essabhai gave us the most nerve-racking task ever. Meeting Taddy Blecher. He is a management consultant and educational entrepreneur. Before we met him in person, we knew he created a free university in South Africa, and he featured in Roger Martin's book, Opposable Mind Ch 7.

When Mr. Essabhai announced we were going to meet Taddy Blecher, we were all nervous. We pictured a scary, intimidating man. When you actually meet him, we swear to you, he is the most passionate man alive about the education system in South Africa. He would give students the interest, excitement, and motivation to be part of his journey

He came into our classroom and observed what we have been doing for the past few weeks. Causal models, pro-pro charts, system maps, and data dumps. Then, we all gathered around and talked about our school system, what makes this class unique and what's happening in South Africa.

With the passion that he has, without a doubt, he emerges his openness to new ideas and insights. The way he was listening intently and taking notes to our ideas and insights about education, specifically the Business Leadership partnered with Rotman course, shows that he just not respects and values our insights but he sees it as beneficial and crucial to what he aims for – exceptional education system in South Africa.

All of these characteristics that he showed to us, motivates us to acquire a leadership role. Especially since we are currently solving the challenge that Baycrest Health Science, our client, has entrusted to us. He showed us the growth mindset in practice – the ability to be successful and intelligent not because of naturally-born talent and brain but mainly because of effort.


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