Visit to Baycrest
As a class, we went to visit our partners, Baycrest Health Science. It gave us a bigger picture for the problem we are trying to solve.
When we entered the conference room, we met Dr. Gilboa and Dr. Aleong who are two research staffs. For the first bit of the visit, they would give us more insight about the challenge. We were not aware of what we were trying to solve until they told us. They want a solution to optimize the process of recruiting members at the open house. A lot of information was thrown at us and we were caught off guard by how fast-paced they were. It was very overwhelming by the number of notes we had to take. At the end of their presentation, we were given time to think about questions that would help our project.
After the questions, as a class, we split up into two groups. One would go on a tour and the other group would stay back to show their causal model. Our group stayed back. We knew our causal model needed work, we just didn't know where to start. Dr. Aleong came to our group and helped us out. The big message she told us was, she rather hire someone that is passionate than qualified as long as that person has the capability to learn.
That answer gave us a big insight. For the future of the assignment, we are thinking how we can improve the orientation/recruiting process for passionate students. What would passionate students look for? What are they like? How do we attract them?
After our talk, it was our turn to go on the tour. For the tour, we would be going into a room where doctors would examine brains. Before we went in, we all had to fill out a sheet if we had any medical issues. We got to see how people inspect brains, MRI's and the magnetic field they possess. It was an interesting tour but unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures or videos.
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