Causal Model and System Map: Draft Number One

The Question

After a quick team discussion, we decided to answer the question: What causes an employee to be a good fit for the organization?

Causal Model

For our casual model, we had to answer, "What causes an employee to be a good fit for the organization" We started off making a system map for our causal map just to get our ideas out there. It was easy to put everything on a system map but then we had to transfer that information onto a causal model.

We came across a few problems with the causal model. The first was transferring the information from the system map. If you look at our first causal model, we forgot that a causal model is about cause and effect, not what is related to the question. So we had to restart our causal model. Lastly, the second problem was answering the wrong question. We felt like we answered, "How to get hired" instead of "What makes an employee perfect for the organization". We had to change it up a bit so it fit the question.

             Draft 1                                                   Draft 2                                                    Draft 3

System Map

This was a different activity. We didn't have to answer the question. We had to talk about Baycrest itself. All of the information we got for the system map, was from Baycrest Health Science home page. We didn't answer the question but we had to get an idea of what Baycrest was all about. The best way was to research and put all our knowledge onto a system map.

We thought we were doing this completely wrong. We made a system map based off of Baycrest Health Science. Then we asked ourselves, "Wouldn't they already know everything about themselves?" We then realized that it wasn't for them, it was for ourselves. We needed it for personal gain and knowledge.

System Map


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